The date: not so long ago.
The place: a near-neglected, disrepaired shack in Flint-town
The extras: Mom, devoted photographer of family feuds
Becky, apathetic sister, along for the ride
Kaeden, loving nephew, always roots for Aunt Sarah (and most determined giver of wet willies I've ever known.)
Mr. X, Park proprietor and all-around nice guy.
Here's what went down.
Though my dear father tried his level best to cheat (I had to REPEATEDLY tell him to "get your hand off the table before I break your fingers with the force of my awesomeness") I beat him fair and square with witnesses. Let the record show. Let the people hear and rejoice:
And I thought I was a sore loser. He's already demanded a rematch (what's this now, best 51 out of 100?)

Oh, you are too hilarious!!! What a great family you have!!! And what a wonderful day!! Very humorous and creative post!!! I love your list of extras!! Too, too fun!!! And a rematch? May the best woman win ;-) LOL...~Janine XO
The sheer awesomeness of you shines in this post about beating the shine off the man who helped bring you in this world. I hope you're proud of yourself...oh wait, you are...
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